Congrats to Boston University's 3RD place finish at the NECTC Championships - Mightyman Sprint

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Race Report: Escape The Cape Triathlon

Location: Onset, Ma - Cape Cod
Time: 9 am (Slept in!)
Participants: 435 triathletes
Score: 10/10....I LOVED THIS RACE!!!

Distances: 1/3 mile swim, 10 mile bike, 3.1 mile run

Katie - 1:02:55 (2nd F20-24)
Chris - 0:58:01 (3rd M20-24)

This race was by far my favorite of my summer races - and probably the fall races, too.

Chris and I got to Cape Cod on Friday to participate in some pre-race adventures such as camping at Bourne Scenic Park (A bit pricey but a good experience, as long as you don't camp under a street light, like we did) swimming in the bay, and biking the whole course- who would we be if we didn't do such things?
The swim is a point to point swim - which I loved. Race morning we all walked 1/3 mile down the beach, got in, and swam to transition. Nice and straight, no kicking and squealing around buoys and boats.The bike was mostly flat and offered an array of scenic views, including a couple houses that Chris claimed, "THERE ARE SO MANY GHOSTS IN THAT HOUSE." It was one of those bike courses you just smile the entire way through - Chris and I both averaged over 21 mph for the whole thing.
There was music playing in transition with a really funny DJ who did mash ups of Sweet Home Alabama and Country Grammar - nothing like that to run home to!
The run had some short hills which took some out of me but it ran over a bridge and through neighborhoods lining the bay, which made time go by fast. There was one big hill at the end which killed me, but there were TONS of people cheering you on along it, so it was enough to make me smile.

The competition was a bit more than I thought it was going to be - there were some REALLY fast people there, which surprised me considering it was the first race they had here and the summer. Northeastern team was there sporting their unending team spirit and hilarious coach!!! =) They also volunteered before and after, something I really respect about them.The thing I liked best was the friendly competition. Everyone gathered around after the race, ate the free pasta/pizza/salad lunch, and drank all the free Life and Gatorade they could handle without sprinting to the bathroom. I always meet the best people after the race.

SPEAKING of the end of the race. We got some AWESOME swag from this one. REALLY nice, long sleeve, Escape the Cape blue running shirts, a water bottle with Escape the Cape written on the side, a really heavy medal, and a pint glass (for placing age group). Not to mention tons of food and drink after the race and a raffle. They really outdid themselves with this one!

The location was absolutely gorgeous - when I retire here in 40 years you are all welcome to come up for a training weekend before the race. Between the amazing food at Wickets(HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR THE SLAMMIN' GOOD TIME DJ), the AMAZING coffee and chat at the neighborhood coffee shop, A Shore Thing, and the ridiculous homemade ice cream conveniently located at the race site...
I could not have asked for a better location. It was prime and a real treat to all those who participated.

Can't wait to come back next year!!!

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